SMS Engine Developer (3 vacancies) (Code: SMS Dev)
Job Requirements:
- Basic knowledge : PHP/VB.NET/J2EE
- Have strong interest and passion in programming tasks / IT
- Basic programming knowledge is a must, experience in developing an application e.g. for Final Assignment or Internship is an advantage
- Graduate S1 in IT/Software/Engineering/Telecommunication/ Computer Science fields min GPA 2.75 sclae 4
- Be energetic, enthusiastic and adaptable to different environments
- Be a fast learner, creative and innovative, self - motivated and and have a result - driven attitude
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills
- Able to work under pressure and tight deadlines
- Have a good communication skill, responsbilities, initiative and compliance
- Based in Jakarta Raya
If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph and application letter to : or
PT Jatis Solutions, Sona Topas Tower 5th fl,
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 26,
Jakarta Selatan 12920
Web :
Closing date 2 Oktober 2010