Officer – Dukungan Operasional dan Manajemen Proyek (Jakarta Raya)
- Age max 35 years old
- Bachelor Degree S1 in Computer Science / Information Technology IPK minimal 2.75 (skala 4.0)
- Have 6 years experience in informations technological area with minimal 4 experience year in Technological operational support area Information and minimal 2 experience year in management support area project
- Accentuated that experienced operational SAP and application's windows platform
- Accentuated experienced arrange TI's operational SOUP
- Easy-going english-speaking (oral and writing)
Junior Officer – Kesekretariatan Lembaga (Jakarta Raya)
- Age max 30 years old
- Bachelor Degree S1 in Komunikasi /Public Relation/ Ekonomi/Sosial IPK minimal 2.75 (skala 4.0)
- Minimal 2 job experience year at kehumasan's area and firm secretarial / corporate secretary and protokoler
- Easy-going english-speaking (oral and writing)
Junior Officer – Auditor (Jakarta Raya)
- Age max 30 years old
- Bachelor Degree S1 in Accounting IPK minimal 2.75 (skala 4.0)
- Minimal 2tahun kerjadi's experience area audits banking / financially
- Easy-going english-speaking (oral and writing)
Junior Officer – Treasury (Jakarta Raya)
- Age max 30 years old
- Bachelor Degree S1 in Accounting or D4 Accounting IPK minimal 2.75 (skala 4.0)
- Have 2 years experience at treasury's area at banking / financial institution / sekuritas's firm, or minimal experienced 1 tahun as treasury dealer.
- Accentuated experienced or has science / certification about government bond / money market or fixed income's transactions.
- Easy-going english-speaking (oral and writing)
Officer – Dukungan Operasional dan Manajemen Proyek (Jakarta Raya)
- Minimal 6 experience year at informations technological area with minimal 4 experience year in Technological operational support area Information and minimal 2 experience year in management support area project
- Accentuated that experienced operational SAP and application's windows platform
- Age max 35 years old
- Bachelor Degree S1 in Computer Science / Information Technology IPK minimal 2.75 (skala 4.0)
- Accentuated experienced arrange TI's operational SOUP
- Easy-going english-speaking (oral and writing)
Senior Officer – Risiko Perekonomian dan Sistem Perbankan (Jakarta Raya)
- Have 8 years experience as Economist / observers / economy analyst / bankings and / or risk management on industrial banking or finance service, banking supervisor, education institute, or research institute at economic area or banking
- Age max 40 years old
- Bachelor Degree S1 in Economics / Studi Pembangunan IPK minimal 2.75 (skala 4.0)
- Accentuated have once mempublikasikan article / writing hits economics / banking at mass media.
- Easy-going english-speaking (oral and writing)
If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph and application letter to :
Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan
Equity Tower Lantai 20 - 21 SCBD Lot 9
Jl Jendral Sudirman Kavling 52-53 Jakarta Selatan 12190
For more detail info about your job visit
Lowongan BUMN 2011 Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan Bank deadline 7 Agustus 2011.