Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Pertamina (Persero) Terbaru 2012

PT Pertamina (Persero) BUMN company in Oil and Gas Industry opening job vacancy for  Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS) and education combine within class & OJT (Program On Job Training) .

  • Lowongan BPS (S1) Ekonomi/Management/Business ( F-BPS-EKO1 )
  • Lowongan BPS (S1) Psikologi ( F-BPS-PSI1 )
  • Lowongan BPS (S1) Hukum ( F-BPS-HKM1 )
  • Lowongan BPS (S1) Ilmu Komputer/Sistem Informasi ( F-BPS-KOM1 )

  • Study where corporate business process activity thoroughly, doing observation and analysis to condition of field Job Requirement IPK Min 3.0
  • Bachelor Degree S1 from college gets accreditation (min b)  
  • Max's age. 27 years on year 2012
  • Healthy Carnal & Spiritual
  • English is Score of TOEFL'S abiding Institute: PBT (450)/ IBT (45) /IELTS 5.5 / TOEIC 500
  • Active gets organization and have the honour to be placed at all region hads out PT. Pertamina (PERSERO)  

If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph and application letter to :  www.pertamina.com/recruit . Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Pertamina (Persero) Terbaru 2012 deadline 15 Maret 2012.  In Selection Process, PT Pertamina (Persero) Don't Service Correspondence And Not Take Up Cost Whatever (On the ball With Fraud!) .