Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Permodalan Nasional Madani Maret 2012

PT Permodalan Nasional Madani persero financial firm don't state owned bank (BUMN) inviting putera – Indonesian best female one has idealism and tall integrity for developmental micro effort, utilised resident at Unit Layanan Modal Mikro (ULaMM). Currently PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) gives opportunities for you who meet the qualifications, have a strong dedication, motivation and high integrity to join the following positions:

Qualification & Experience:

  • Man / Woman, D3's minimal education and maximal age 32 years
  • Accentuated that have minimal experience 1 (one) year as sales / marketing at micro finances or micro financial institution (BPR, A cooperative society and Multi Finance)                 
  • Gaining control language and local culture / local
  • Accentuated to have customer base and motor vehicle (DRIVING LICENSE C)

Job Description and Responsibilities:
  • Looking for new client
  • Looking after good relationship with client
  • Develop and brings off portfolio healthy finances

With territorial place as follows:
  • Surabaya      (penempatan Sepanjang, Wadungasri, Manukan, Rungkut, Mojokerto Kota, Gresik Kota)
  • Malang         (penempatan Malang Kota, Kepanjen, Sukun, Turen, Batu, Tumpang, Sumberpucung)
  • Blitar            (penempatan Blitar Kota, Kademangan, Kesamben, Nglegok, Srengat, Wlingi, Lodoyo)
  • Lamongan     (penempatan Lamongan Kota, Tuban, Bojonegoro Kota, Sumberrejo, Rengel, Jatirogo, Brondong)
  • Pasuruan      (penempatan Pasuruan Kota, Pandaan, Rejoso, Ngoro, Bangil, Lawang, Mojosari)

If you think that you are really the right person to fill this challenging position, please send your application, CV and recent photograph to:

PT. Permodalan Nasional Madani (Persero) Cabang Surabaya
Jl. Joyoboyo No. 30 Surabaya (Up. SDM)
Put jobcode MO – Surabaya or MO – Malang or other place in corner envelope , Without application code won't be processed.