Karir BUMN Bank Mandiri (Persero) Terbaru

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) the big of Bank in Indonesia , Currently opening job vacancy for best candidates to share its passion for excellence in its new business direction as

Qualification & Experience:

  • Min education D3 any major (More is accentuated S1 ) , IPK is minimum 2.75
  • Maximal age on sorts early 24.00 years and 26.00 years for is experienced as frontliner
  • Can run Microsoft Office 2000
  • Energik, self-confident, can do presentation and gets communication with every consideration
  • Haven't gotten married
  • Have the honour resident at all Jabodetabek's region
  • Have no family fundamental (oldster, husband / wife, sibling) one that working as employee of Independent Bank
  • Have never been followed Frontliner's selection process Bank Mandiri in 1 the last year

Qualification & Experience:
  • Bachelor Degree S1 in from reputable university IPK minimum 2.75
  • Maximal age on sorts early 24.00 years and 26.00 years for is experienced
  • Can run Microsoft Office 2000
  • Energik, self-confident, can do presentation and gets communication with every consideration
  • Haven't gotten married
  • Have the honour resident at all Jakarta region, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Tangerang and Sukabumi
  • Have no family fundamental (oldster, husband / wife, sibling) one that working as employee of Independent Bank
  • Have never been followed Supporting Staff's selection process Independent Bank in 1 the last year

If you think that you are really the right person to fill this challenging position, please send your application, CV , expected salary and recent photograph to:  jobsdb.com  or PT BANK MANDIRI (PERSERO), TBK