Recruitment BUMN Funding Officer BTN

PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk needing energy as: FUNDING OFFICER Divides that has achievement strength at selling . Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk Opening chance for your one has is ardour to get achievement, court, ulet, performance get to pull, can get communication with every consideration and has achievement that strong at selling's area to fill Funding Officer's position.

FUNDING OFFICER - Batam (Kepulauan Riau)
Qualification & Experience:

  • Male, age max 30 years old
  • Having motorbike and Driving License c and of presenting pulls
  • Maksimun's age woman 30 years and of presenting pulls
  • Haven't gotten married or have gotten married
  • Fresh graduate is sort was disciplined by knowledge D3's Education with IPK minimal 2,75 (scale 4)
  • Body high minimal woman 155 cm and 165 cm to Men, body weight proposional
  • Experienced at sell area / selling
  • Can english-speaking / Mandarin value added become

Application Letter Application document CV that ditandatangani by photographs Close-fitting applicant color recent, measure 4 x 6 as much 1 (one) sheet Takes Photograph from head to foot size recent chromatic postcard by undresses respectably and orderly as much 1 (one) sheet Takes Photograph copy KTP who is still apply copy's Photograph Birth Certificate Takes Photograph copy last education diploma that notarized by that gets authority

Application document is taken in direct to Consumer Funding & Services Unit
PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk
Kantor Cabang Batam
Jln. Engku Puteri No. 1 Batam Centre - Batam
HP. 08121477853 (Helmi) / 085267888672 (Andri)
Recruitment BUMN Funding Officer BTN Batam deadline 19 July 2012.