Vacancy 2012 Customer Service Plasa Telkom Jakarta

Vacancy 2012 PT. Infomedia Nusantara by Telkom Indonesia company in the provider services information and first communication at Indonesia. Our firm continually do innovation in gets business., Currently we are looking for a bright, high achiever individual, capable of providing a professional performance with self integrity and good teamwork mindset to fulfill the vacancies of

Qualification & Experience:

  • Wanita Single
  • Berumur maksimal 27 tahun
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Berpenampilan menarik (MUST GOOD LOOKING)
  • Pendidikan Minimal D3 IPK 2,75
  • Tinggi dan berat badan Proporsional (min 165 cm)
  • Mempunyai pengalaman dipelayanan pelanggan
  • Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
  • Placement : Jakarta-Bekasi-Tangerang-Bogor

If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with good remuneration, send a detailed resume with a recent photo to:  . or walk in interview

Senin - Jumat , jam 09.00 – 12.00 di :
PT Infomedia Nusantara, Gd. Bank Mandiri lt 5
Jl RS Fatmawati No 75 Jakarta Selatan (samping Graha Cipete)
Bpk Hari (HR) membawa CV dan surat lamaran lengkap
Vacancy 2012 Customer Service Plasa Telkom Jakarta deadline 26 Oktober 2012.