PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (Persero), To share our vision of continuous growth in worldwide markets, we invite dynamic and result oriented person with motivation and creativity to full fill following position:
1. Employee Development Programme (EDP)
Job Requirements:
Graduate S1 in manajemen pemasaran, komunikasi, pertanian dan teknik industri, IPK min. 3.00
Minimal english language ability Intermediate level (Get certification)
Oriented's target
2. Trainee (Kode : TR)
Job Requirements:
- Graduate S1 in administrasi niaga, psikologi, hukum (litigasi/SDM/Properti), teknik sipil dan keuangan/akuntansi
- IPK min. 2.75
- Good documentation / reporting skill
- Good understanding of requirements
3. Apoteker (Kode : Apt)
Job Requirements:
- Graduate S1 in Apoteker, IPK min. 2.75
- Having SIA is accentuated
4. Perawat (Kode : Pr)
Job Requirements:
- Graduate D3 keperawatan, IPK min. 2.5
- Having SIP
General Requirement :
- Male / woman
- Maximal age 27 years (EDP & Apt), & 28 years (TR & Pr)
- Minimal experience 1 year at its area (EDP: Fresh graduate but experienced being accentuated)
- Have the honour resident at region at exhaustive indonesian
- Can english-speaking with every consideration (passive & active)
- Mandatory attaches proposed position at subject column (via is enamel) or envelope (via is post)
Application, cv, brevet and transcript notarizes
Working bank statement of corporate bound up
color photograph tingles 3×4 (red Background)
healthy bank statement of health institute / doctor
active email address & no. active HP
If you believe you have the right qualification to succeed, please send your CV detailing experience complete with a current photograph to:
Via Post :
Wisma ITC, Jl. Abdul Muis No.8 lt.3
Jakarta Pusat 10160
Or Email : (file in ZIP/RAR max 300 kb)
Lowongan BUMN 2011 Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (Persero) closing date 31 Januari 2011
Participant at contacts through email / HP.