Job Vacancy 2011 in the one of Perusahaan Umum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia (PERUM PERURI), constituting affiliate of two PNs firms. pertjetakan kebajoran and PN. Artha Yasa corresponds to Number Government regulation: 60 years 1971, hereafter been changed by Number Government regulation: 25 years 1982, then changed by Number Government regulation 34 years 2000 and perfected for the last time it pass through Number Government regulation 32 years 2006.

PERUM PERURI Main task is even out effort to print Republic Of Indonesia rupiah money (well bank note and also metal money) for Indonesian Bank and prints commercial paper product non order appropriate money corporate reserve.

Peruri is East division is one of printing company sekuriti is outgrown at East Java, Peruri is ordinary East division at abbreviates by the name of PDT is sekuriti's document cast non money gets to address at Ahmad Yani's Road no. 119 Surabaya.

Work already we work most indigenous Local Government, Commanding institution and Swasta. All document sekuriti that our to be worked by design and good print quality and bersekuriti. Certificate, Diploma, Ticket, Stock letter, Bilyet is Demand Deposit, Bilyet Crosses A Cheque, Bank statement Comes Into The World, Birth certificate, Blanko KTP is Indonesia etc..

BUMN PERUM PERURI 2011 is currently recruiting dynamic, qualified and high self motivated personnel to be part of our great team, with the following available positions

1. Desain Grafis (DG)
2. Operator Mesin Cetak (OP)
3. Administrasi Gudang (AG)
4. Cleaning Service (CS)
5. Satpam (PAM)

Job Requiremnet :

  • SMK Grafika (No.2)
  • SMA / D3 (No.3)
  • SMA / Sederajat (No. 4-5)
  • Menguasai Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator (No.1)
  • Age max. 28 th
  • More experience to be accentuated

If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with good remuneration, send a detailed resume with a recent photo to:

Jalan Ahmad Yani No. 119
Surabaya 60237
Put job code on corner envelope

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