Lowongan Kerja BUMN February PT Batan Teknologi (Persero)

PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) BUMN company based in PUSPIPTEK, Gedung 70, Setu Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Currently we are looking for a bright, high achiever individual, capable of providing a professional performance with self integrity and good teamwork mindset to fulfill the vacancies of :

a. Unit Fabrikasi ( 5 position )

  • Male, age max 25 years old
  • STM Teknik Mesin - Min Nilai STTB : 7
  • Can operate mesin bubut, mesin frais dan mesin las

b. Unit Proses Kimia (Unit Konversi Kimia dan Unit Gagalan Produk) ( 5 position )
Responsibilities: in this case also to the needs of personnel Activity Test Function Unit Chemical Process
Qualification :
  • Male, age max 25 years old
  • Min education SMTI 5 orang - Nilai STTB minimal 7.
  • Understand the control of chemical processes in general , understand the chemical process flow diagrams and understand the B3 (both types , handling and processing )

Qualification :
  • Male, age max 25 years old
  • Min education SMTI - Nilai STTB minimal 7.
  • Knowing the process of NDT - DT and chemical analysis , understand the control of chemical processes in general , understand the chemical process flow diagrams and understand the B3 (both types , handling and processing )

DIVISI KESELAMATAN  ( 1 position )
Qualification :
  • Male, age max 25 years old
  • Min education SMTI 5 orang - Nilai STTB minimal 7.
  • Ability to work independently , work hard and can work in teams .

If you are confident that you can meet our requirement, please forward your application with complete curriculum vitae and most recent photograph to:

PT Batan Teknologi (Persero)
Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gedung 70, Setu – Tangerang Selatan 15314
PO BOX 343 Ciputat 15400
Lowongan Kerja BUMN February PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) deadline 2 weeks after this advertisement,