Vacancy February 2012 BUMN PT Batan Teknologi (Persero)

PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) Badan Usaha Milik Negara / BUMN Company in riset and development Energy for Nuclear / Nuklir , Currently seeking for smart, highly motivated, highly enthusiastic and skillful individuals to join our aggressively Growing Organization as :

Qualification & Experience:

  • Min education SMK Analis Kimia
  • Male, age max 20 years old
  • Proactive, hardworking and able to work in a dynamic workplace and able to work in a team.
  • Have excellent interpersonal skill, energetic, mature, Honest, Discipline & dynamic
  • Hard worker with good interpersonal skills and integrity

If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with good remuneration, send a detailed resume with a recent photo to:

PT Batan Teknologi (Persero)
Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gedung 70, Setu – Tangerang Selatan 15314
PO BOX 343 Ciputat 15400
Vacancy February 2012 BUMN PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) deadline 6 Febuari  2012 .