Bank Jobs Vacancy BUMN PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, as State Bank Of Indonesia, constituting first one bank is instituted and proprietary by Indonesia Government.  Currently we are looking for a bright, high achiever individual, capable of providing a professional performance with self integrity and good teamwork mindset to fulfill the vacancies of :

Qualification & Experience:

  • Male / female age max 26 Years.
  • Bachelor Degree S1 in Economy majors, Tech, Mipa, Law, Computer, Agricultural, kehutanan, Fishery, Plantation, Ranch and Business Administration.
  • IPK'S minimum 2,75( PTN) and 3,00( PTS) with scale 4.
  • Having good english-speaking ability writing or oral.
  • Have once fosed in organisational activity.

If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with good remuneration, send a detailed resume with a recent photo to:

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk
Divisi Sumber Daya Manusia Jl Jendral S Parman Kav 55 - 56 Slipi Jakarta Barat
For apply online visit jobstreet. Bank Jobs Vacancy BUMN PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk deadline 22 Maret 2012.