Job vacancy Fakultas Kedokteran UGM yogyakarta 2011

Job Vacancy in Fakultas Kedokteran UGM is currently recruiting dynamic, qualified and high self motivated personnel to be part of our great team, with the following available positions

1. Teknisi IT ( IK )
Special requirement : Graduate S1 in Computer, IPK >3, Akreditasi A, have experience in programming , age max 30 years old .

2. Asisten IT ( AK )

Special requirement : Graduate D3 in Computer, IPK >3, Akreditasi A, have experience in database, age max 25 years old .

3. Asisten IT ( AK )

Special requirement : Graduate D3 in Computer, IPK >3, Akreditasi A, have experience in Lan Wan Networking , age max 25 years old .

4. Animator ( AN )
Special requirement : Graduate D3 in Computer, desain graphics, IPK >3, Akreditasi A, have experience in animation program, Macromedia Flash and Photoshop , age max 30 years old and sending file portofolio animation file to

If you believe you have the right qualification to succeed, please send your CV detailing experience complete with a current photograph by email to:

Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran UGM
Sekip Utara Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. 0274 – 543278, 560300
Fax. 0274 – 581876
E-mail :;

NB : Complete documnent :
1. Fotokopi is Diploma and transcript that at legalization
2. Curriculum vitae
3. Relevant certificate
4. Pasfoto berwarna 4×6's measure as much 2 sheets
5. Healthy carnal and soul, and at liberty narcotic, psikotropika and adiktif's substance (NAPZA) pointed out by doctor bank statement (after been accepted).
Application file send to Urusan Tata Usaha Fakultas Kedokteran UGM

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