PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I Persero Job Career BUMN April 2011

Job vacancy in BUMN port service organizer, opening conjoined chance for graduated vocational Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) to become as :

Operator Alat (Pelaksana Junior)

  • SMK in Teknik Mesin engineering or Teknik Elektro Electrical
  • Age max 23 years old at 1 June 2011
  • Nilai Ujian Nasional (UN) min rata-rata 7,0
  • Body high minimal 162 CM
  • Gaining control english language with every consideration
  • Single, Healthy carnal and spiritual
  • Are not afraid on high
  • Don't get glasses
  • Have the honour resident at all PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero)
  • Have the honour to follow clerk orientation and diklat kesamaptaan
  • Unattached tenure with institution / other firm
  • Never get the push courtly is not at one's request alone or not courtly as Prospective As Public Servant / Public Servant, or get the push is not courtly as swasta's clerk

Attachement Application:

  • Application letter and Curriculum Vitae
  • Photocopy is diploma and National Test Point (UN) already been notarized by authoritative official
  • Photocopy KTP who is still get lac
  • Photocopy is Birth Certificate already being notarized by authoritative official
  • Pasphoto is measure 4 x 6 cm as much 4 sheets
  • Healthy bank statement of Doctor


  • Berkas lamaran dapat diantar langsung atau dikirim melalui pos.
  • Berkas lamaran ditujukan pada Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (P3M)
  • Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Sumatera Utara Jl. Dr. Mansyur No. 7 Medan 20155.
  • Berkas lamaran diterima selambat-lambatnya tanggal 5 April 2011 (Cap Pos

Hasil seleksi administrasi/berkas akan diumumkan pada tanggal 8 April 2011 dan dapat dilihat di dan For more information complete PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I Persero Job Career BUMN for SMK please download Download Dokumen PELINDO

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